Germany last hosted the World
Cup in 1974 and eventually took the title in München
against the Dutch. Clearly the most dominant nation
in European soccer with a pedigree surpassed only
by the Brazilians – ten World Cup semifinal appearances,
seven-time World Cup finalists, three-time European
champions, and three-time world champions - the Germans
were among the favorites to add another star to their
uniforms this time around. With the Teutonic reputation
for organization and efficiency supplemented by a
field that sported all but one former champion (Uruguay
has never recaptured its former glory), this year’s
tournament had the potential to be a classic. There
was no doubt that we wanted to be part of it.
Twelve cities were chosen to
host games during the tournament including Kaiserslautern
in the southwest corner of Germany. Since D’s parents
make their home nearby, this seemed the obvious choice
as a base of operations. For various reasons, the
ticketing process for the World Cup is conducted lottery-style
and well in advance of the tournament, so we ended
up bidding in early 2005 for all the first round games
in Kaiserslautern without knowing which teams would
take part. D was lucky enough to get a pair of tickets
to a single game in Kaiserslautern for the match pitting
B2 vs B3. D’s brother also scored a couple of tickets
for the same venue but for the H1-H4 match-up. Things
were looking pretty good until the draw in December
2005 when D looked on in disgust to see that he had
paid 90 euros (plus a 15 euros service charge) to
watch Paraguay play Trinidad & Tobago. D’s brother
B didn’t fare much better with a final group game
between Spain and Saudi Arabia – almost a guaranteed
opportunity for Spain to field its B team. Adding
to our sorrow was the fact that, with a little luck,
we could have had tickets to the other Kaiserslautern
game that week – Italy vs USA.
Tickets in hand, we arrived
in Germany the weekend before our game to experience
the festivities. D had gone to a number of games in
1994 when the US hosted the Cup, and while it was
very exciting and a unique experience, most everything
began and ended with the games. During this Cup, the
tournament seemed to pervade the fabric of German
society. Developments during the Cup were front page
of every newspaper and lead stories on every news
program. Every store seemed to have some soccer-related
item for sale be it bookstore, bakery, or beautician.
German flags and banners were fluttered on buildings
and cars in a show of patriotism like nothing seen
in post-war Germany. It seemed that it was all anyone
was talking about - a veritable heaven for the soccer
fan. Each host city organized a Fan Fest with an area
to congregate, celebrate, and watch the games. Kaiserslautern
had two such Fan Zones linked by a Fan Mile along
which vendors sold souvenirs, food, and drink. Throughout
the week, we ventured downtown a number of times to
watch the games and the fans. Because of the games
being hosted in Kaiserslautern, we saw mostly fans
from Spain, Italy, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Australia,
the US, and of course the host country itself. Trinidad
& Tobago fans showed their colors during a parade
down the Fan Mile. Every day was a party from morning
to midnight with breaks in between to watch the games.

Italian fans amused by followers
of the Socceroos.

Make way for the T&T gladiator.

Balloon Man!